

I’m a digital artist, who took the plunge into the world of art just a year ago.

My Passion? Drawing animals, with cats being my absolute favorite.

I love all animals! - Be kind to every kind!

The day Jojo and Sypha joined our family, my heart was overflowing with joy.

And today, I’m not only a mom of two, but of four amazing cats!

Since I’ve been drawing digitally I have the goal to create art for a living.

With the help of my amazing partner we are creating our webcomic:

Kitty Kommando: Kosmic Krusaders

The four feline heroes are based on our adopted cats.

Kitty Kommando - Sypha



Sypha was adopted from the local shelter together with Jojo. No one knew where she came from. Since then she has grown into the most affectionate cat you could imagine. She loves to cuddle and snooze in the sunlight. Sypha enjoys a calm and peaceful environment, which is why she prefers to sleep in another room, while the boys play together. Her absolute favorite treat is milk cream!

Kitty Kommando - Jojo


“If you steal and eat all of the treats in the night, and no one saw you, did you actually eat them?”

Jojo was found abandoned on a busy intersection in 2020. We brought him to the vet and then later adopted him with Sypha from our local shelter. Although he was the tiniest kitten, he’s now grown into our largest cat. Not only is he very strong, but also very creative in opening drawers, doors and boxes. If there’s cat food in it you can be sure he’ll find a way to get to it! Besides his food addiction he loves to greet guests at the door and follow us around the house. He is always interested in what you’re doing!

Kitty Kommando - Luci



We adopted Luci in June of 2022 together with his brother Logan. They came from Romania and are inseparable. Luci and Logan were deemed unadoptable because they are black cats. Luci is a bit smaller than Logan but what he lacks in size he compensates with his communication skills. Luci will always remind you when it’s time for food! He also enjoys giving us full body massages with his little paws. When new guests arrive he will be the first one to greet them (They could have cat food on them!)

Kitty Kommando - Logan


“You called for me?“

Don’t let his elegant panther-like appearance fool you, Logan is more like a golden retriever puppy than a cat. He arrives within seconds when called and enjoys a game of fetch. He’s also a bit mischievous known to snatch a slice of pizza when no one’s watching but his caring side shines through when one of us is unwell. As a loving big brother he always watches over little Luci and helps the other cats with grooming. Logan is always the first and last one to try and catch a cat toy. All in all he’s a real bundle of energy!